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Preschool & Childcare
Our daily routine provides children with the security and predictability of structure, while allowing flexibility for elaboration in children’s ideas and interests. We provide a balance of teacher lead and free choice activities while incorporating our curriculum and focusing on our mission: to provide high quality education while teaching the necessary skills needed to be ready for kindergarten by fostering intellectual, physical, social, and emotional growth. It is our goal to provide engaging and interesting learning experiences with attention to different learning styles.
Free Choice:
Children are given opportunities to make decisions about where they would like to play in the classroom.
Circle Time:
Children participate in songs, discussions, stories, movement, sharing, and leading durning circle time.
Learning Center:
Teachers design learning centers that reflect the current themes and learning objectives. Children rotate through the centers in the classroom, giving them various activities, projects, and learning opportunities.
Teacher Led Activities:
Teachers read books, introduce projects and activities, develop lesson plans around themes and emergent curriculum. Teachers also develop activities promoting kindergarten readiness skills, and plan community based learning through field trips to support children’s learning.
Snack and meal Times:
Snacks and Meals provide opportunities for children to eat nutritious foods, develop their social and language skills, and to learn manners. Meal times also offer opportunities for responsibility through helping set up and clean up, and community building as discussion and food is shared.
Outside Play:
We go outside and play as often as weather permits. When we are unable to go outside we find ways for children to get exercise inside.
Art, science, math, early literacy, language development, sensory exploration, cooking, multi-cultural activities, small and large group activities, and large and fine motor development are all explored explored through classroom projects.
Personal Expression:
Children are given opportunities to develop their ideas and talents through drama, art, movement, dance, music, and building or constructing their ideas. This promotes self-esteem and give children a sense of self worth as their ideas are explored and valued. This also gives children opportunities to develop their leadership, teamwork, language, organizational, and problem solving skills as they work through, role-play, and explore in these various activities.
Rest Time:
Children have a rest time in which they can sleep or lay down to take a break from their daily activates and stimulation and rest and relax their bodies.